Our passionate, talented, and dedicated leadership and staff bring LCW’s mission to life. We are a growing organization of 50+ employees who represent the diverse community that we serve.
Executive Leadership

Jessica Andors
Executive Directorjandors@lawrencecommunityworks.org978-722-2604Jessica was part of a team of community organizers that spearheaded the rebirth of Lawrence CommunityWorks in 1999. Since then, LCW has grown from a staff of one and a deficit, to a $6 million operational budget with over 5,000 resident and stakeholder members, over $200 million invested in affordable housing, family asset building, and community organizing and development.
She is earned her BA at Amherst College and a Master’s degree in City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Jess is a resident of Lawrence and is a nationally-recognized community developer with exceptional strengths in strategic thinking, economic development, nonprofit affordable housing, real estate and program development.

Eunice Lopez
Chief Programs Officerelopez@lawrencecommunityworks.org978-722-2611Eunice joined Lawrence CommunityWorks in September 2022 with over 15 years of non-profit and 5 years of upper management experience with a strong focus on affordable housing.
Throughout her career Eunice has demonstrated a fierce commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion for underserved communities with extensive work with the homeless and veteran populations. In her previous role, Eunice was credited with the significant expansion of the housing department from 2 programs to 12 programs within 2 years. Having overseen over $5 million dollars in grants in her previous position, Eunice also brings fundraising and grants management experience. Eunice brings a fresh and jovial perspective to the entire team.

Norma “Maggie” Pagan
Chief Human Resources & Operations Officernpagan@lawrencecommunityworks.org978-722-2606Asset Building Team
Our largest department at LCW. AB staff are responsible for LCW’s robust spectrum of financial empowerment, homeownership, and rental counseling efforts.
- Arleen Zorrilla, Director of Asset Building – azorrilla@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Aleyda Garcia, Assistant Director of Housing Stabilization & Asset Building – agarcia@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Ziomara Gomez, Financial Empowerment Coordinator – zgomez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Ashley Tejeda, Housing Counselor (Foreclosure) – atejeda@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Brenda Jimenez, Housing Counselor (Foreclosure) – bjimenez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Ed Alcantara, Housing Counselor – ealcantara@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Luisanna Martinez, Financial Empowerment Administrative Assistant – lmartinez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Mildred Sena de Pena-Disla, Financial Coach – mdisla@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Merymell Dominguez, Rental Counselor – mdominguez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Katherine Gutierrez, Rental Counselor – kgutierrez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Josselyn Reyes Reynoso, Post Purchase Admin – jreyes@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Yokarly Duran, Housing Stabilization Administrative Assistant- yduran@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Whinyffer Rosario, Homeownership Program Assistant- wrosario@lawrencecommunityworks.org
HR/Operations Team
The “glue” behind the scenes that makes everything else possible.
- Norma “Maggie” Pagan, Chief Human Resources & Operations Officer – npagan@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Reyna Burgos, Operations Director – rburgos@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Gira Gutierrez, Front Desk Administrative Assistant – ggutierrez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
Movement City Team
LCW’s youth development experts who are deeply passionate and keep kids at Movement City engaged, creating, growing, and learning every single day.
- Elvis Cabral, Program Director – ecabral@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Gabriela Betances, Assistant Program Director gbetances@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Melix Bonilla, Program Coordinator – mbonilla@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Gira Gutierrez, Administrative Assistant – ggutierrez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Stephanie Cabrera, Clubhouse Coordinator – scabrera@lawrencecommunityworks.org
Network Organizing Team
The heart of LCW: fearless advocates who believe deeply in the power of resident voice and actively work to coordinate outreach campaigns, collective action, volunteer projects, support groups, design committees, and network events.
- Jamill Martinez, Director of Network Organizing – jmartinez@lawrencecommunityworks.org 978-722-2629
- Johanna Cruz, Network Engagement Coordinator – jcruz@lawrencecommunityworks.org
978-722-2635 - Kisairy Sosa, Community Organizer– ksosa@lawrencecommunityworks.org 978-743-7042
- Network Engagement Coordinator– jmartinez@lawrencecommunityworks.org 978-722-2600
- Yanis Rivera, Admin Assistant–yrivera@lawrencecommunityworks.org 978-722-2615
Real Estate Development Team
Small but mighty, the RE department works tirelessly to push forward LCW’s ambitious real estate projects and make affordable housing and homeownership a reality for Lawrence residents.
- John Harden, Director of Real Estate – jharden@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Spencer Buchholz, Project Manager – sbuchholz@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Olivia Rosa, Project Manager – orosa@lawrencecommunityworks.org
Resource Development Team
The “little fundraising engine that could” behind all of LCW’s programs and operations, including grants management, data and evaluation, marketing and communications, and events.
- Cathleen Gable, Donor Relations Consultant – cgable@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Joshua Stachowski, Associate Director of Resource Development – jstachowski@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Harvey Bonilla, Marketing & Communications Manager – hbonilla@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Johanny Mendoza, Data Management Specialist – jmendoza@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Jacob Greer, Executive Assistant & Resource Developer – jgreer@lawrencecommunityworks.org
Workforce Development Team
Whether you’re looking for a new job, skills to add to your resume, or maybe just a little self-confidence boost — look no further than the incredible lineup of powerhouses behind all of LCW’s employment programs.
- Sandra DeVita, Director of Workforce Development sdevita@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Luis A. Fontanez Workforce Administrative Assistant lfonanez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Loida Santana, Employment & Financial Coach – lsantana@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Destiny Rodriguez, LWFI/Katherine’s Kloset Coordinator drodriguez@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Johanna Mata, Workforce Coordinator – jmata@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Kharen Estrella Workforce Specialist kestrella@lawrencecommunityworks.org
- Kisairy Sosa, Workforce Specialist- ksosa@lawrencecommunityworks.org